Wednesday, January 12, 2011

open mic

Writing is a portal to a world of your imagination. you can write about things that have happened, things that are happening, things that you want to happen, or even things that could never happen. when you write you could make a man dance on a roof top or jump off a whale and people will accept it because writing is art, words are a drawing on a page. its what ever you create it to be but one thing that writing can never be is fake. because when you write even if it is quick just to get a grade, or just to do it cuz someone asked you to, writing can not be fake because no matter what, YOU are the one doing it. so from somewhere deep inside you, you are writing what you are. and that is why nobody will ever write the same exact thing as you. because they cant. When you write it is like leaving your DNA on paper, so to you i salute and say write until your brain is dry then pour some water on it to bring it back to life and write more and more, let the blood in your heart become the ink in your pen, because when you are gone in 70 years the only thing people will have to Ever know who you REALLY are is to read what youve written when nobody is looking when youve put part of your soul on paper, thats when... and thats how they will know you, and then, and only then will you live forever. between the covers of a book bound or spiral, you will forever be WRITTEN.

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