Friday, October 29, 2010


man walking through the jungle, walks upon another man who is disraught.

WALKER: Who are you
JAMESON: my name is jameson
WALKER: why are you out here alone? its very dangerous
JAMESON: I...I... I live here
WALKER: Where is your hut
JAMESON: D...D...D... Dont have one. Y...Y...You are standing on my b...b...bed.
WALKER: Oh sorry. why are you liveing our here so far from town
JAMESON: th... th... they dont l...l...llike me in town
WALKER: How Come?
JAMESON: I was b...b...bad!
WALKER: what did you do?
JAMESON: I j...j...just made them hate me. p...p...please dont make me try to remember
WALKER: Okay. but man you need help! you will die out here! what do you eat
JAMESON: snakes m...m...mostly, they are easiest.
WALKER: what was your name agian
JAMESON: J...jameson
WALKER: well jameson, i need you to come with me so we can get you cleaned up and stuff.
JAMESON: No! im f...fine. just keep w...w...walking Walker
WALKER:  .... I never told you my name
JAMESON: I... I... I...
WALKER: How do you know my name??!
JAMESON: I...I...I... (BANG)


  1. So who got shot? Who was the shooter?

    Was Jameson setting a trap for Walker?

  2. hey wen...wen...wen.. wendel, i love it!! :)

  3. -Action: Walker wants to know what jameson is doing out here alone and how he knows his name
    -Conflict: Jameson is very inward and wont really open up to walker and there is a mystery about him
    -Event: jameson accedently gives away that he knows walkers name and has to kill him, so walker never finds out how he knew his name
    --i could make it more clear that jameson has knowledge of walkre and who he is, and not end it so quickly and put some dialog in before he is shot.
